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Saga Vol. 8
I really enjoyed this volume, but apart from the story, Fiona's art really stole the show. It's always phenomenal and I love that it take me longer to read because I just stare at the art. This volume also got a little more political with some issues than it usually does. I think I'll have to switch to single issues now, because I don't think I can wait six months for my next fix.

Written in My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon

It's the first month of the year and I'll be surprised if another book beats this one. It began at the fast pace that Echo in the Bone left off at, and stayed that way for a good chunk of the book. My heart raced many times and I wondered how certain things would be resolved, for Diana is okay with making tragic decisions for her characters. There may have not been as much covered in this one, but I love how she managed time in the last couple compared to the never-ending day to day book that was The Fiery Cross. This book, like the others, was beautifully written, and the ending made me so. Freaking. Happy. I will be waiting so impatiently for her next book and in the meantime reading every excerpt she puts out.

Extremity issues 7-9
A continuation of the outer and inner conflicts for vengeance and forgiveness, issues seven through nine are equal parts action and emotion. Issue nine is one of the most beautiful issues I've ever read in a comic. This series puts a face on grief and suffering. They're always about the struggle to remain human in the darkest of situations.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
I finally committed to reading this book after years of interest. I really enjoyed the premise and the journey our characters make to uncovering their inevitable future. I'm a little confused about my feelings for this book, though. I'm not sure if it's because I built it up for so long, and it wasn't everything that I wanted, or my problem with the pacing. Things were repetitive in a new way for me, where a sentence would literally be repeated again to explain what was just mentioned? It kept me interested, but I just saw some potential that wasn't completely fulfilled for me. My expectations aside, it is an enjoyable, interesting read, and handled it's heaviness in graceful ways.

Batman Vol 1. The Court of Owls
Another stellar series of issues. The story is captivating and the challenge is, well, challenging. Definitely a unique storyline and exciting read, making it hard to put down. (I didn't.)


  1. You read Never Let Me Go! I'm squealing. My favorite book. I'm sorry you didn't love it as much as I do, but I'm glad you gave it a chance! :)

    1. Yeah I wish I would have went into it with no expectation! I feel like I would have liked it more.


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