Makeup + beauty products are something that I splurge on every other year or so, but normally I like to keep it drugstore. That being said, it's still a bummer when a product is crap, affordable or not. I've been branching out and trying new products, that are generally "Raved" about in the online beauty community, because while it sucks when products don't work out, it's amazing when you find those high-end comparable gems.
pros: BB cream is lighter than most foundations and feels lighter on the skin. This one is a tad heavier than ones I've used in the past, but the there is no comparison when it comes to coverage. While other ones I've used were barely there, this one is actually medium-full coverage.
cons: It is a tad dewey, so you may need powder to set if you have oily skin, but that seems like a BB cream thing in general.
pros: Not as pricey as some primers.
cons: My skin is super dry this pregnancy, but instead of moisturizing the skin, this made texture more prominent. I've been using Burts Bees Day Cream for years now and it's much better and lasts longer.
pros: The price is probably the main reason it was pretty hyped about. It is a good highlight, and while I don't think it's exactly comparable to my Becca one, it's a really pretty highlight that's great for everyday.
cons: Not any real cons for the price you pay.
pros: Another product that I believe was overhyped because of the price. It's not a terrible loss if it doesn't work out for you.
cons: This went on terribly for me. Like I said, my skin is really dry right now, so if yours is too, really moisturize and expect it as a possibility. It does settle alright on my skin after a bit and when i get a little moisture. If you're torn, it's not the worst price to give it a try.
pros: The price is good and I like that it isn't colored so there is no weird discoloration when my skin tone changes. This sets my makeup and bakes nicely when I need it to.
cons: You may have to re-apply if wearing makeup for awhile, but thats pretty standard with powders. The accessibility is the only little snag, it has to be ordered online.
pros: This is the first setting spray I've tried so I don't have anything to compare it to. I'm not sure if it really makes a difference when it comes to making my makeup last, but it does make my makeup blend nicely while my skin is dry.
cons: The price is a con for me, being something that doesn't make that big of a difference. If I continue to use setting spray I may try a Milani one I've heard good things about, and is much more affordable.
pros: This stuff is great. It gives a thorough clean without my face looking like it just got punched.
cons: I like the ease of using wipes and I go through more cotton squares this way, but it's not a deal breaker.
So that's what I've been trying lately. My current venture is finding a good drugstore concealer. I'd love to hear what products you've been loving!
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