I haven't been here much this year, but hopefully that changes next year.
This was another year of discovery, joy, pain, and growth, and I feel like a better person for it.
I've been on a weird path of trying to find my identity since getting married and having kids. I lost everything I was and most of what I enjoyed and tried to become what I thought I should be. This past year I finally started letting go of that, and tried to get back to what I've always enjoyed, and am slowly finding myself again. I don't know why we believe we should take on new personalities, hobbies, and goals when we reach a certain age or point in our lives, but I fell into that and learned the hard way that I couldn't make myself into something I couldn't or didn't necessarily want to be.
The most important thing I did this year for my mental health was filter my social media intake. I deleted my facebook and really cut down my personal instagram following in certain areas. If you're going through postpartum depression or depression in general, you're not always seeing things clearly, and the last thing I needed to look at everyday were perfect mom accounts. Yes, like most of us they mainly share highlights, and their life does not look like that all the time, but when I'm depressed I just see perfection and start picking apart my shortcomings. Take a break and come back to those accounts when you're thinking clearly and can be supportive and happy for them. Personally, I have a business account where I tend to keep big businesses, other wedding photographers, and influencers, so that I can visit it in a healthy mindset. (Also, I've found that being "Present" on social media and actually commenting compliments, even when I feel shy or weird doing so, was great for making me feel better as well! Mutual love and support makes social media an entirely different experience.)
I've shared a little about my Project Life, but despite my lack of posting about it, I really rocked it this year, and am almost completely caught up. I want to try to share more of this side of my interests, but there is a weird personal aspect to it, so I'm not entirely comfortable sharing all of them.
And finally, my reading. I'm continuing my ever-present success despite failure theme. I didn't complete my reading challenge and didn't spend as much time reading as I did last year, but I look forward to my nightly reading, and the fact that it's an everyday part of my life that excites me is pretty great.
This was a pretty short recap, but just some personal goals that I want to remember and hope to surpass next year. Thank you for reading despite my erratic posting, I hope you all had a great holiday season and have a great 2019. Much love.xx
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