Yes. Yes. Yes. This book was a great reminder that happiness is more about what we value individually, and less about conventional goals and success. Highly recommend.
Saga Vol. 9 by Brian K. Vaughn & Fiona Staples
This was a toughie. I can't say much more than that I really loved some of it, and really, really hated some of it. Still amazing as always. And waiting through the year hiatus, while justified, is going to really suck.
I finally got around to trying this series after hearing much praise. I was a big fan of the first volume and they kid of dropped off steadily for the following two. I'm still interested in where it is going, and will continue, but it's not something I'm dying to pick back up right away.
Vol. 1 ★★★★★
Vol. 2 ★★★★
Vol. 3 ★★★
This was my first Gillian Flynn read, so I didn't quite know what to expect. It wasn't what I'd call a "Fun read", but i believe that was the point. It was very effective in what it was trying to do, and while I was so ready for it to just be over with, the ending did a lot to redeem it for me. I can't say that I'm excited to read more from her right away, but I'm sure I will in the future.
Another first time author for me was the revered Shirley Jackson. I feel like I probably should have started with a more mature book of hers, but I still enjoyed this much more than I anticipated. I liked her writing style, and look forward to reading more soon.
This was my biggest surprise of the bunch. I loved Big, Little Lies the show, but her books just never called out to me. I forever started to check this out and then changed my mind last minute. I finally went for it when I wanted a little change in reading, and really enjoyed myself. It almost lost me when I figured out the secret really early, but was pleased to find that I was just conditioned by Gillian Flynn to expect no answers until the very end.You are along for the ride as these characters face moral dilemmas, challenging your own opinion at the same time. My mind was changed throughout the course of the book, which I really appreciated. I just might pick up another one of her books soon.
The Sandman, Volumes 1-3 by Neil Gaiman
These were actually read before the others on this list, but while I can't remember every detail, a lot sticks out to me in this series. I didn't know where the first volume was going to take me in the beginning, and I wasn't quite sure i was going to like the destination. Fortunately, I was wrong, and once it had me, I was hooked. I love the imaginative storytelling that constantly straddles the line of reality and fantasy. I like how he handles characters. Females are portrayed neither as token figures or without personality. I like this.
Vol. 1 ★★★★★
Vol. 2 ★★★★★
Vol. 3 ★★★★
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